姜枣膏 – 男女补血 -孕妇补品 – 壮阳补肾 – 经痛 – 关节疼痛

Bentong Ginger Jujube Paste is hand-made from scratch with only the finest ingredients: Bentong Ginger Root, Jujube (Red Dates), Goji Berries, Dried Longan Pulps and Karupatti Jaggery.

Each of the ingredients has their unique properties and functions, when combined and cooked into paste, it does more than just improving general wellness of like anemia in women and relief menstrual pain; cancer patient can use it to improve appetite after their therapy; elderly can use it to reduce knee and joins pain; pregnant mother who want to ease their morning sickness; those who are suffering from bloated stomach and acid reflux, even new mothers can try it to boosted breast milk supply.

We do not mass produce as we want to made sure every bottle of Bentong Ginger Jujube Paste is hand-made with love, fresh to customers, most importantly we hope our customers can be benefited from it.

Quality and product safety is our top priority, we will make sure all of our ingredients are free from harmful chemical substances, so that our products can be consumed with peace of mind.

Instruction : Consume directly or Mix with warm water

Packing : Vacuum sealed glass bottle Net Weight : 300 gram

Place your order HERE

姜枣】是个简化了的名字, 它其实用了 5 种精选的上等材料,经过长时间慢火熬煮而成 ,当中包括了:

(1)文冬老姜 – 这是马来西亚独有的姜种,原产地在文冬县的 Bukit Tinggi 高原,药用价值 6-姜酚含量较高,其味道更香更辣。它能促进人体血液循环,兴奋神经系统,有助于祛风散寒,并能加强胃肠道的消化功能。

(2)红枣 – 红枣富含的环磷酸腺苷,具有补虚益气、养血安神、健脾和胃等功效,是脾胃虚弱、气血不足、倦怠无力、失眠等患者良好的保健营养品。 红枣对急慢性肝炎、肝硬化、贫血、过敏性紫癜等症有较好疗效。

(3)枸杞 – 延緩衰老,壯陽,養顏美容,補肝明目,補虛損、益精氣,防癌抑癌。

(4)桂圆 – 自古以來被視為滋補良藥,具有開胃健脾、養血安神、壯陽益氣、補虛長智的功效。

(5)印度石蜜 – 女性吃黑糖可以补血排毒,对月经顺畅有帮助。 淡化黑色素,美白净化皮肤;活血化瘀,止痛;若心情烦躁,喝些黑糖水,可降低烦躁感。印度石蜜营养价值高,尤其老人及孩童可补充钙质,女性生理期可补充铁质,寒冬饮用可袪寒,男女老少咸宜。

【功效】 很多人以为姜枣膏只适合女孩子服用,其实不然,除了一贯用于养血补气,舒缓经痛以外,姜枣膏也可以用来减轻关节疼痛,壮阳补肾,舒缓晨吐, 和提升化疗电疗后的胃口, 男女老幼都适宜。


使用方法 : 直接食用或加温水溶解饮用 包装 : 玻璃瓶 (真空) 净重 : 300克

[Premium Grade] Bentong Ginger Jujube Paste 【特级】姜枣膏 – 男女补血 -孕妇补品 – 壮阳补肾 – 经痛 – 关节疼痛 -文冬老姜 – 红枣 – 桂圆 – 枸杞子 – 印度石蜜 | Shopee Malaysia
