(DIY#20) 自制”克非尔”

Kefir Day1

( For Kefir D.I.Y instruction in ENGLISH , please visitThe Tale of Kefiror click here )

从 Joyful 那里间接传来的”克非尔”菌种, 还没交给 Eden 之前自己先作了两次的, 繁殖的挺快的.



1. 把冷牛奶(鲜奶或生奶)加入玻璃瓶中,过程中避免使用所以的金属容器.


3.用纱布和橡胶圈封口, 主要是要让克非尔发酵时可以透气 (让二氧化碳及酒精可以蒸发掉).


5.发酵后, 克非尔菌种会增多浮在上面, 中间还有一小层如水分般的泛黄色液体, 下层便是发酵后的牛奶.

6.过程理论上是要18-24 小时或, 但由于马来西亚天气炎热, 通常不到18小时就发酵得很完全了, 只要味道适合你口味,就可以采收了.

7. 采收时,把瓶子里的液体用塑胶汤匙攪均,用塑胶过滤器筛过装入塑胶/玻璃容器中.


8. 过滤出来的克非尔菌种可以直接放入新一批的牛奶中重复发酵. 不然就加一点点牛奶放入冰箱保存.

Kefir 译作克菲尔 (也叫开非尔,牛奶酒), 台湾叫克弗爾, 是一种发源于高加索的发酵牛奶饮料;  但在中国也有人叫藏灵菇(西藏灵菇), 它也可能是属于开菲尔中的另一个品系, 我不确定, 但肯定的是Kefir 与 Yogurt 一样都是发酵酸乳, 含有大量有益活菌, 虽然在菌种上是有所差异.



另類的發酵乳──克弗爾 (作者: 郭卿雲 台灣行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所)



1. 你如果有疑问可以到英文版的 The Tale of Kefir 去看看,很多问题 我们的 kefir 老师都已回答过了.

2. 如果你想要点克非尔菌种,可以发电邮到 kefirbaby@yahoo.com 告诉我们你的名字和住址。

(DIY#20) 自制”克非尔””的一个响应

  1. Hi Thomas,
    I told you I am happy today, now this post of yours makes me even happier. Welcome to KFC !! 🙂

    Your jar sets against the green looks so serene. The kefir babies must be happy at your home that’s why they are growing so fast.

    My great great granny grain (the oldest one) measures 8in x 2.5in as of today. The biggest one broke into two when I scooped the other day 🙂

  2. hi thomas …

    well done … u know my chinese is only half past 6 … but i know some of the readers here understand chinese better … so no choice lo … got to struggle a bit to post in chinese …

    hahaha … we will leave this task specially four u … thanks a million …

  3. hi, do u share ur grains? or do u know if anybody does? i’ve been drinking for half a year b4 the milk contamination n can’t get it bk.

    would appreciate if u could email me? thanks! 🙂

  4. leng leng …
    只要你有心 。。。 我们一定会想办法送到 。。。
    我们只期望你能善待我们送过去给你的kefir bb 。。。 让它能在你家开枝散叶 。。。 帮忙把这爱的种子散播出去 。。。

  5. Hi leng leng,

    这个 email 地址是我们的爱心奶奶 joyful 开的, 目的是让我们能直接联络不必一直麻烦我们的版主, enzymo君 已经非常慷慨和大方的让我们在他的部落格里七嘴八舌,七给八送… 不能再让他乱七八糟,七 上八下 🙂

    我也是在 joyful 和 凡夫俗子 那儿得到这份爱心的, 我们非营利只希望借此爱心结个善缘… right, sifues.

  6. thank you, thank you 凡夫俗子,joyful 谢谢 你 们 sibok-sibok 帮助我. 现在 我 也 sibok-sibok 要去 买 生奶. jaga baby. 今天没得 ask question.

  7. 我昨天 收到了 kefir baby 后就加了dutch lady (青色的)生奶, 我没有先把kefir baby 里的奶水strain 干净,今天 24小时过后我发觉奶变得很浓, strain 出来的奶很酸.能喝吗? 不过我把它加进果汁喝进肚里了.今天晚上我就用生奶跟kefir baby 冲凉,才加新奶.对吗?

  8. hi new kawan …
    u r most welcome …
    if u have any queries … plse do not hesitate to post ur question here … joyful will be most willing to clarify watever doubt u may have …
    enjoy ….

  9. new kawan,

    不必跟kefir baby 冲凉, strain了就可加新奶.
    怕酸就放少点grains 或 加多点奶 或 18小时收割.

  10. 换过肾(1 边 )可以喝吗? kefir milk 的protein 会 很高吗,因为他不能吃高蛋白质的food.

  11. new kawan,

    Kidney transplant patients have many-many issues to cope with. Anything that affect the immunology of the body has to be carefully monitored with the help of their nephrologist.

    They need to suppress the bodily immunity via medication to avoid rejection of the new kidney so if kefir raises the immune function, they may run into a situation of imbalance.

    I am not a medical practioner, so I would STRONGLY adivise that the patient brings this to the attention of his nephrologist before consuming kefir.
    Please MAKE SURE you do that.

  12. 嗨 。。。 new kawan 。。。
    我建议你用生奶 (raw milk) 。。。 因为生奶拥有原本的蛋白酵素 。。。 它可以自助消化奶中的蛋白质 。。。
    pasturised milk 是经过高温处理 。。。 把它原有的酵素给杀死了 。。。所以它没有自助消化奶蛋白质中的功能 。。。
    不过 kefir 过的奶会给益菌分解了 。。。
    建议刚开始的时候 。。。 你让他喝一两汤匙 。。。 观察他的反应 。。。 随着日子慢慢加 。。。

  13. Dear friends,

    We are merely sharing the DIY method & experience only and NOT providing medical consultation here.
    I agree with Joyful that the patient should bring his/her concern to the doctors or nutritionists, by law they are the expert.

  14. 想请问一下,小孩也可以喝吗?
    领养kefir baby 只需要email名字和地址就可以了吗?

  15. Hi Bonnie,

    在东欧国家,kefir是家中之宝, 也是日常饮料. 小孩也可以喝.

  16. hi bonnie
    就如 joyful 讲的 。。。 小孩是可以喝 kefir 的 。。。 尤其是那些患有乳糖不耐症的人 (lactose intolerant patients) 。。。 不管是小孩或是成人 。。。 喝 kefir 不会泻肚子 。。。

  17. Hi,
    喝 kefir 不但不会泻肚子, 如果在泻肚子时喝 kefir 还能止泻。(妹妹和邻居的孩子已试验过两次,都很有效几乎是立刻见效呢):)

  18. I read from newspaper today that kefir milk is available for sale in some high end supermarkets (Cold Storage, Market Place) in Singapore. The Nancy’s Organic lowfat cultured milk kefir (from USA) is retailed at S$14.95 for 946ml. It is availble in plain or fruit favours.

    Oh, Joyful, I have you to thank for!
    Thank you for the grains!

  19. hi foong …
    ya … packet milk kefir is pretty common in usa and uk … esp among the polish community … but …
    unlike yogurt … u may buy it from the supermarket and diy ur own …
    u cant do it with milk kefir from this packet form …
    to brew kefir … we need the kefir grain …
    thiis is wat makes kefir unique that even with the present technology … man cant challenge nature mother to brew kefir without the grain …
    the other point we have to bear in mind is that how many good bacteria still remain in the packet after all the procesing, handling and transportation … as compared to home made kefir … we must know bacteria can die one la if mishandled … hahaha …
    sorry … i m not hard selling home-made kefir … its just my 2 pennies worth of thought …

  20. Hi, Joyful,

    I had harvest my batch of Kefir on Friday, it is pretty good.
    By the way, pls tell me how to consume Kefir drinks (how many
    times and how much each time consuming)

    Thanks a lot.

  21. Hi June,

    The amount is up individual. It ranges from a teaspoon to a cup. Test out a small amount first and see how you feel then increase gradually to a cup.

  22. Thanks Joyful,

    I had harvested on friday, and keep the kefir grain keep it in the
    fridge, I will diy my kefir milk tonight, any problem?

  23. Hi June,

    Please go to the Tale of Kefir thread and you will find my views about keeping kefir grains in the fridge clearly.

    I maintain “strong” opinion on letting kefir babies sitting in the cold with or without milk for a prolonged period but some may find it ok to do so. The choice is up to individual.

  24. 如果把生奶换成母乳会是什么样的效果呢?哈哈。。。。。。。。。。。

  25. 心涵你先别笑太大声,阿 Dom 他有试过用人乳来发酵Kefir呢…..hahaha.
    要不要email他,问一问那会是什么样的效果? heh heh…

  26. 哈哈。。。 母乳,我不知道 。。。
    不过, 我有个朋友用牛母乳(生bb的母牛)来发酵,给他在做月子的老婆喝 。。。听他说这种牛奶很贵喔 。。。

  27. joyful,

    心急的我,等了整个上午,babygrain 还没到我家来,因该是星期五的关系吧?如果明天才收到会有关系吗?

  28. joyful,

    babygrain已经和奶奶在一起了 (10.30pm)!对了,我把它放在komputer room 因为这里比较温暖。


  29. 心涵 。。。
    很高兴你已收到了 keifr bb grains 。。。
    joyful 担心到半死 。。。 头发也白了好几条 。。。
    幸亏她有 kefir milk 补回去 。。。 哈哈 。。。

  30. 哈哈,非常的谢谢你和joyful。当然也要谢谢enzymo啦。

  31. Haha 心涵

    多次的‘机关枪’声就表示系统”通了”,他反应还蛮快的叻. 哈哈….

  32. Joyful and 凡夫俗子,你们好。
    我有一些问题想问你们。我最近做的kefir milk 水水的,味道一样,奶水一样,时间一样。就是没有泡泡。每次我做好的用筷子搅一搅就起泡泡好象coca-cola这一次的死死的。。是不是睡了,还是sakit 呢!thank you.

  33. New Kawan friend,

    I have answered you in the Tale of Kefir thread liao.

    如果你没把 kefirbaby 放入冰箱, 它是不会睡着的.
    Sakit?? No lah !!

  34. HI JOYFUL。

  35. I just want to know what is the advantages to take this kefir? Is it very good to the ppl (kid & eldest) those poor health ?

  36. Hi Yoong,

    Kefir is a kind of cultured milk containing powerful probiotics (friendly bacteria) which is beneficial to our digestive system. It is similar to yogurt but more therapeutic than yogurt. It is very good for people of all ages including young infants.

    I have highlighted some health benefits of kefir in “the Tale of Kefir” thread and some recommended links. Please go over there to read up.

  37. Joyful,

    My kefir milk taste very sour, the kids don’t like it very much, for me, not really
    like milk products also drink it very ” gerlie ” leh (cantonese)

    Am I right the kefir milk is like ” tao cheong sui” and is 粗粗的。

  38. Just a short general comment to all …….
    We like to feed our kids with what we like to eat, that’s how we pass on our bad habit to our next generation. Many parents like to feed their kids with sweet thing (sugar) because their kids like it, if you have already done so, it is very difficult to change it already, but if you are concern about your kids’ health you should find a way to stop it.
    For weekend shopping reading : http://www.nancyappleton.com/

  39. Hi Thomas,

    I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Medical people said that many types of illnesses like diabetes etc are hereditary but I tend to think that it is the result of the poor eating habits cultivated in a particular family. If we interview and do a case study on the typical food preference of a family with many cases of diabetes, it is not difficult to find out that what I said is perhaps right.

    To wean our children off sweet food, it will take a long journey and that journey ought to start from parents ie. ourselves.

    Start from our daily drinks and beverages. Cut down sugar in your drinks gradually over a period of time and then reduce it further to nil. Drink only no sugar added beverages. By the time your taste bud can accept no sugar added beverages, you will find that you begin to enjoy the drink in its natural state and taste. You will also find that a slight sweetness in your drinks will put you off.

    Before we as parents can achieve this, it is close to impossible for your child to do away with sugar. It starts with you and me, yes, you and me.

  40. Hi June,

    You are in control of the taste of your kefir in terms of sourness. Use less grains or more milk or strain earlier, then it will be less sour. I begin to sound like a long-winded auntie (长气婆) to say this all over again, hahaha.

    You mean your “tao cheong sui” tastes sour one ar? How can kefir tastes like “tau cheong sui” (soya bean drink) leh? No, kefir tastes more like yogurt.

    I think 粗粗 is because of the curd. You probably have strained the kefir using a big holes strainer or colander. The smaller grains got through the strainer together with the curd causing the 粗粗 feeling in your mouth.

    Sometimes, healthy food may not be the best tasting food in your mouth.

  41. hi thomas / joyful …
    b4 i started to diy enzyme … i have had hardly any form of sugar in our kitchen … 1 kg of sugar can last ages …
    sorry to say … i cant really find soft drink to serve … cos we hardly stock up any .. not even 100+ which a lot ppl said it is good isotonic drink …
    we prefer just water … we do not chill our water too … hehehe … can serve u icy cold water too … sound very unhospitable ar ???
    of course … that does not mean i have no sweet tooth … i love ice cream … hehehe … but not so often la …

  42. hi, Joyful,

    I had just harvested my kefir milk last night, using Goodday brand, what I noticed,
    the whey not yellowish liquid, and after strained,the grains got transparent bubbles,
    I kept the strained kefir milk in the fridge, this morning, I found that there are 3 layers , kefir milk, whey and curb as well, it looks like 2nd fermentation?????

    Pls advise. TQ

  43. Hi June,

    Sometimes when you change to a new brand of milk, the kefir grains will give you a brew that is inconsistent, up to a few batches. Bubbles are normal signs of active fermentation especially if you keep the jar with close lid.

    Fermentation continues even when you store the strained kefir in the fridge. There will be tiny kefir babies in the strained kefir doing the baby stunts, hahaha. So, you may notice separation into layers, perfectly normal.

    Whey wasn’t yellowish? What color then?

  44. june …
    if u r afraid of 寒凉 … u can take the portion u wanna drink the nite b4 … leave on ur kitchen table top … by morning, the kefir is not cold anymore …
    in fact … this method … u will find a secondary fermentation … making the kefir more creamy like melted ice cream …

  45. Hi June,

    The color of the whey according to your description is normal. It has a slight milk content in it.

    凡夫俗子’s method to avoid 寒凉 is easy and good. Try that.

    I am not very good in Chinese way of classifying food in terms of cooling or heaty. People often says that my style is very ang-mo style if you know what I mean, hahaha.

  46. hi morning, Joyful & 凡夫俗子,

    Thanks for reply.

    Joyful, may I know the actually procedure for diy vco using kefir grains.


  47. Hi Joyful,

    I am Beginner. Sorry u might have another icon again, becaue I am using another computer to log in again. Still struggle with my computer.

    I really need your help. I now have over 9 tablespoons of kefir grain and I am brewing about 800ml of kefir drink per day. The drink has became too sour.

    How many tablespoon of kefir grain should I use for 800ml of drink? What can I do with the rest/ balance kefir grain?

    Did u have any grain that u are not brewing, what do u to them??

    Can I use the same kefir grain to brew water kefir? I think if u brews kefir in water, they will not grow.

    Also, can I use GREENFIELDS ‘ultra heat treated’ full cream fresh milk (from Australia) to grew the kefir drink??

    Sorry for so many question.

  48. 请问一收到kefir baby是可以用清水洗干净,还是用牛奶洗干净?还是直接倒入牛奶就可以了…

  49. 你好 我媽媽是癌癥復發者 有好心人送了幾支用kefir做成的酵素給我媽媽試喝
    因為喝了之后覺得身體狀況真的變好了 而我剛好找到你們這個網站
    為了能長期讓我媽媽可以喝到這個 我可以向你討一點kefir來養嗎?

  50. erin,
    尽量避免把你的电邮公开,如果你要领养kefir 可以写电邮到 kefirbaby@yahoo.com , Joyful 会安排,但你要付一点费用。
    还有这里的自制酵素和kefir 是不同的东西,虽然都含有益菌,不要搞错了。

  51. 謝謝enzymo的回復 ~~

    我真的有點混淆了 我媽媽喝的應該是Water Kefir
    我會電郵給joyful 等待她的安排 ^^

  52. Hi Erin,

    I have replied your email.

    After you have successfully brewed the water kefir, do consider DIY Enzyme also.

    When you combine kefir and enzyme, you will gain even more. Anyway, take it one step at a time. I will guide you later.

  53. 嗨,我最近听朋友说起垃圾酵素,就上网找相关的资料。找找下就找到你这里来了……嘻嘻
    谢谢你们介绍这么好的东西,我已经Email给joyful奶奶要领养一些kefir bb了。谢谢你们。

  54. 我以经做了好多次味道都差不多一样,可是这次做的带有苦味…请问可以喝吗?大家有什么意见请上来分享….谢谢.

  55. Hi Joyful,

    After reading about all about the “kefir baby”, I am interested to start brewing myself. I have email you my details. Will this drink help my indigestion problem?

    Do we eat the Kefir baby or just drink the drink only?

  56. Hi Megan,

    Thanks for “reading” all about the Kefir Baby.

    Kefir is one of the best remedies for indigestion problem. Once you have rectified the indigestion problem, you will see improvement in your immune system as well.

    You drink the kefir milk daily and you may eat the kefir grains when you have excess grains. The grains are one of the best probiotic on planet earth.

    ps: I have replied your email 🙂

  57. 一定要18个钟后才可以应用吗?还是12个钟呢?一天可以喝多少呢?

  58. Hi Emily,



  59. Hi Emily,


  60. Hi Joy,
    As u said we can eat the baby grain, may i know wat is the right quanity to be takan ?

    Thanks and have a nice day

  61. Hi Ms Jenny,

    There isn’t a fixed rule as to the amount of grains one can ingest. If you measure your grains to the amount you need for the next brew, then any excess can be consumed right away.

    If you are a big time brewer, then up to 1/3 cup at one serving has not been a problem as far as I know.

  62. Hi Joy,


  63. Hi joy,




  64. Hi Angel,


    发酵好的奶可以存放在冰厨很久很久。 味道会越来越酸。


  65. 想请问,我的milk kefir 因为太久没有做了,所以奶不可以凝结(失败)。以其倒掉失败的奶,可以用来做面膜或是当成milk lotion,敷一敷,然后冲掉吗?

  66. 心涵,

    我可没有你那股勇气, 把失败的奶敷在你漂亮的脸儿.

    失败的奶就等于受污染的奶, 你认为可以用来敷脸吗? 😉

  67. 用来制作黑糖雪莲酵素的菌种可以用来做你上面放的那个可菲尔吗?

  68. Hi penguinyvonne,

    据我所知及依我个人的经验, 不可以.

    Milk Kefir Grains feed on the Lactose in the milk but Water Kefir Grains feed on Sucrose in the brown sugar.

    If you use Water Kefir Grains to culture milk, can your Water Kefir Grains digest Lactose? When the milk turned sour, which type of bacteria actually made the milk sour? Is the good bacteria in the Water Kefir Grains or something else? This is the question you need to ask yourself seriously.

    Therefore, I am in the opinion that Milk Kefir Grains culture milk and Water Kefir Grains brew sugar water and it is not safe to interchange the two.

  69. 各位大陸人你們好,我來說幾個簡單的知識給你們聽,一般類似的分裂活菌分三種,有用來製作茶類的紅茶菇(紅茶菌),他是薄膜狀,其實很多茶都可以用來培育,第二種叫做太陽菌菇(太陽菇、黑糖菌)西方叫做TIBICOS,他是透明狀的可以直接用糖水,但是用黑糖紅糖味道比較可口,第三種就是發酵牛奶用的西藏雪蓮或者西方叫做牛奶克菲爾Milk Kefir ,而西藏雪蓮多少品系不同,有的分裂快,一星期就增一倍,有的10-18天增一倍,有的細碎如米粒,有的大到2公分像爆米花,有的只是酸,有的還能形成氣泡口感。不管這三者功效如何,主要都是醋酸菌乳酸菌酵母菌的共生體有強胃整腸的功效,其中紅茶菌最容易遭受污染,因為他是浮在水面,容易發霉,基本上這些東西在掏寶就可買到,我認為太陽菌是最好養也最省錢,他只需糖水,可以在切顆檸檬切片放進去,發酵一天即可成水果酵素,相關影片去國外視頻搜尋即可

  70. 买啦…跟卖牛奶的牛奶 man 买咯…

    羊奶非常昂贵, 一小杯卖 RM7.

  71. 楼主你好,想请问楼主还有雪莲菌吗?如果可以的话,我可以向楼主拿一些吗?谢谢~

  72. 楼主你好,想请问楼主还有雪莲菌吗?如果可以的话,我可以向楼主拿一些吗?谢谢~

  73. Do you still have water kefir to give away? if yes.. what are the charges? please advise. thanks
