
几乎每天都有人在我的博客搜索有关黑斑蚊的资料和阅览我的基孔肯雅蚊症 (chikungunya) 的post,也曾经有朋友留言提到患此病之苦。我猜想患此病的人数应该还挺多的,于是便游览马来西亚卫生部的网站,发现资料显示 22 – 28 Mac 2009 这段时间共发生 1,175 宗骨痛热症(登革热症),其中3人死亡。同时期基孔肯雅蚊症共45宗。这是很非常吓人的数据,加起来一个星期共有一千两百多宗病例 !而且是发生在人口人口稠密的地方。 对于西医的束手无策,我不知道你作何感想,我只觉得很无助,不过在网上找到这则1998年蔡建淳先生的 [治疗“骨痛热症”偏方 — 木瓜叶] 其中一段是这样写的: ‘‘ 据说目前还未有治疗骨痛热症的特效药;因此在下在此,向怀疑染上 此病症的人士提供一偏方。此偏方是由小弟的同事吴女士从非洲的黑 人获得。此偏方除了治好另一同事贝女士和一女同学外,也曾在二十 多年前治好吴女士令弟和堂兄弟,也曾介绍给好几位诗巫和民都鲁的 朋友。   虽然此偏方未得到医学上的证实,但与其等着白白离开人间,有关病 家不妨一试。不过,小弟在此声明:不能承担任何因服用此偏方所可 能引起的不便或副作用(如有的话)。 但念在“救人一命,胜造七级 浮图”的感召之下,提供此偏方与大家分享。


1. 采下5片不老不嫩的木瓜叶。


3. 每天喝其汁两次。(注:每次用5片叶子)  

     “其汁非常难喝,喝过后可能拉肚子。 ’’

木瓜叶的安全性,根据用[药安全网] :
药  材  名】番木瓜叶
【拉  丁  名】Carica papaya L.,
【化学成分】叶含番木瓜碱、ψ-番木瓜碱(ψ-Carpaine,Pseudocarpaine)、维生素 E36毫克%。
声明 :以上内容仅供参考,实际情况以医院诊断及医嘱为准,用药安全网不对患者因不当诊疗造成的损失承担任何责任。


Updated info :

Carica papaya Leaves Juice Significantly Accelerates the Rate of Increase in Platelet Count among Patients with Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever.


Research article available here.

If you like my post , you can buy me a cup of coffee.  请我喝咖啡 Buy Now Button


  1. 西医在医治蚊症方面没有特效药, 因蚊症进医院后唯一做的只是调点滴补充身体的水份认病人慢慢把蚊毒排出后靠自己的抵抗力自然好, 反倒是民间中草药配方能直接医治蚊症, 家母与其多位友人都曽中蚊症都用这些民间偏方治好的. (陈如Enzymo君所言: 但与其等着白白离开人间,那不妨一试)

    1) 紧急救命的~河猪枣 : 刺蝟身上的结石, 中药店有卖, 很贵而且要确定正货(一分四五百马币), 但能立刻救命. 家母被验出有蚊症送院前我立刻让她服了一分, 入院几小时隔天就出院了; 母友人蚊症入院數日血小扳一直掉要进血, 服了一分隔天不必进血并且可以出院了.

    2) 四个小苦瓜连心连种子和两只田鸡一起干炖两小时得一匙精华, 服下. 一天可喝一俩次.

    3) 大量进食西瓜(汁) / 番石榴(汁). 也可当调理.

    4) 水误蚣(一种野草也叫竹蜻蜓), 30~60克打汁或水煎15分钟喝.

  2. Cynthia,
    我想确认一下,你母亲与友人患蚊症是用那一种民间偏方治好的 ?

  3. Hi Enzymo君,

    家母被验出有蚊症送院前我立刻让她服了一分河猪枣, 隔天出院后我炖过三次小苦瓜田鸡汁给她喝(一天一次), 她也把西瓜当水喝, 她说会一直感到口渴和口味滠滠喝再多水也没用, 西瓜能很好解渴.

    母友人入院數日血小扳一直掉要进血, 服了一分河猪枣隔天不必进血并且出院, 因为病情严重回家后再服了一分, 过后喝了几次小苦瓜田鸡汁也吃西瓜解渴. 康复.

    母另友人女儿入院几日高烧不退且已出红斑, 喝一次水误蚣打汁就退烧, 數日后出院.

  4. 四种偏方能同时或只独立服用都有疗效, 但若经济允许而病情又属严重的话, 河猪枣是紧急救命的特效药(我不是在推销,它已经救过我身边很多人), 而且病患康复得比较快, 比较快恢复精力(患蚊症后会很累,昏昏沉沉).

    学名: Kyllinga brevifolia, Cyperaceae
    别名: 竹蜻蜓, 球头草, 金钮草
    药用部分: 全草
    味辛, 性温, 微毒
    主治: 外感风寒, 咽喉肿痛, 百日咳, 风湿骨痛, 刀伤, 铁打损伤
    因带微毒故服用份量, 次数要控制.

  5. My friend’s teenage daughter took the 小苦瓜田鸡汤 while she was in hospital but slow improvement. After she knew about the papaya leaves juice and drank it for only a day. The blood count improved and she was discharged the next day.

    I sprouted a lot of papaya seeds and would like to blend with banana, but after the sprouts came out, I chicken out (very bitter lah). So, I let them grow into trees to bear fruits instead 🙂

  6. 河猪枣果然有效,是即刻见效。我朋友的血小板跌到要进血,服了河猪枣后,第二天就出院了,好神!

  7. Enzymo君,


    各位同好, 有没有试做过”生草药酵素”? 各位认为”生草药酵素”可行吗? 谢谢.

  8. Cynthia,
    前几个星期,小儿子发高烧38度以上,喉咙发炎,没白点,看样子是病毒感染 (viral infection),生病期间我给他刮痧及喝点苹果酵素,共10-12天左右才痊愈。
    三天后,轮到大儿子发高烧38度以上,我给他刮痧加喝木瓜叶酵素,但他三天就痊愈了。 我不敢肯定是不是喝木瓜叶酵素的原因,所以如果不是你问我,我也不敢说,我真的不肯定。

  9. Thomas, how much papaya leave enzymes did you give your eldest son in a day? And how old is he if you don’t mind telling?

  10. Enzymo君,

    请问除了味道很苦很苦外, 令公子喝了可有其他反应, 如拉肚子等…

    请问您们对 “生草药酵素”有什么看法? 认为可行吗? 我正研究生草药制成酵素能否达到医治疗效, 目前试验做了食用的 “蛇舌草黄梨酵素”, 外敷的 “扁柏橙皮酵素” 和 “薄菏香茅酵素” , 尚未收成. 谢谢.

  11. hi … cynthia …
    i have not tried … but my friend does … he did the kuching misai enzyme which is supposedly good for diabetic patients …
    but he told me … it is very bitter … only those who are diabetic will try … lol … gu kou liang yao ma …

  12. hi cynthia …
    i read a book by a japanese herbalist … he is using all the yao cao for enzyme … i cant quite remember the title of the book but i can check it out for you …
    u can find it in the popular book shop …
    using yao cao for enzyme is nothing new in chinese medication … old chinese sensei using all sort of yao cao to do enzyme … including animals like snake, scopio blah blah … based on the principle that all fresh raw fruit / vege / herbs / meat contain natural enzyme …
    see ya

  13. Cynthia,
    木瓜叶无毒也不是什么特别的草药,所以除了味道很苦很苦外, 喝了没有其他反应。
    有一些草药含毒素,虽然理论上发酵过后会把有害的物质去除,但理论毕竟是理论。再说我们制作酵素,本来就是帮助消化,让身体有时间去提升免疫力,达到强身健体的。我不想拐离 当初 DIY 酵素的目的。 我也明白,制作酵素到了一定的程度,会很想做“医疗酵素”,除非你对生草药有很深的认知,不然草药还是留给中医来治病吧。当然,如果你要做些薄菏、香茅、九层塔、之类的简单生草药当然没问题啦。如果是要用黑面将军、过江藤、忧遁草、南非树等就要比较小心了。

    8 & 12, i gave my elder son 3 x 30ml a day during that period.
    Anyway, my younger son does not consume enzyme on regular basis, on the other hand my elder son consume at least 30 ml ( of various type of enzyme) every morning after breakfast and he is 80% vegetarian (sort of). So it is difficult to tell if the papaya leaves enzyme really works.


  14. mr enzymo … i do share ur view ,,, that is y i nvr attempt to diy yao cao enzyme … i will leave it to the professionals …
    cos yao cao no doubt is good for some illness … it also depends on the patient’s health condition that the quantity of the yao cao got to vary accordingly to achieve optimal effect … esp some of them are highly toxic …
    it is a saver bet to do fruit / vege enzyme … cos the worst scenario of taking vege / fruit enzyme is no effect / improvement on the bodily condition … no obvious detrimental effect on the person taking the enzyme …

  15. Hi 凡夫俗子,
    Thanks ya.

    谢谢. 我的心肝没有这样大啦, 黑面将军, 南非叶那些抗癌的草药我不敢试, 因为病人会期望很高和责任很大… 薄菏,香茅, 扁柏等是针对防蚊虫和皮肤问题做为外敷的, 我会试试疗效能不能代替化学的防蚊喷液, 蛇舌草因为没毒所以试试能不能治喉痛.

  16. cool,
    白霉是没关系, 但黑霉最好是不要了. 长黑霉的可以把黑霉拿掉,然后拿去做环保酵素.

  17. sufia,

  18. well all i can say is , you ppl should read more about health and about dengue fever also before starting your own formula here. The mainstay of danger of dengue is when your immunity get sums up against the additional exposure to 2nd / 3rd strain of dengue virus . Its ur immunity overreaction that causes the massive destruction of platelets and then causes internal bleeds. And our miss Cynthia is so wrong to say “因蚊症进医院后唯一做的只是调点滴补充身体的水份认病人慢慢把蚊毒排出后靠自己的抵抗力自然好”very very laughable statement. Thats a reason why we can only treat dengue symptomatically , its all up to ur body to stop destroying platelets, we as doctors can only monitor the platelet level and intervene in time ( eg. blood transfusion / platelet transfusion ) to prevent further deterioration of patient’s condition . Please read up more guys. Thanks

  19. Dear Dr. Adam Lim,
    Cynthia might have not put up her statement as correctly as a doctor (like you), but we all understand what she meant. We don’t laugh when others has a difference opinion, DDT was safe before 1972, if you know what I mean.

    While “you can only treat dengue symptomaticallyand whileits all up to ur body to stop destroying plateletsand whileyou can only monitor the platelet level Can you tell me what is wrong with using some of the formulas here ?

    I appreciate your comment here and I hope while you’re reading up more, I hope you can open up more at the same time, to things that you may not understand at this moment.

  20. Hey Thomas,

    I am not a doctor but I happen to hold the belief that laughter is a good medicine, very therapeutic to the body, soul and spirit.

    I read this interesting extract from Wikipedia,

    “Laughter is an audible expression or the appearance of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy (laughing on the inside). It may ensue (as a physiological reaction) from jokes, tickling or other stimuli. It is in most cases a very pleasant sensation.

    Laughter is found among various animals, as well as in humans. Among the human species, it is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, helping humans clarify their intentions in social interaction and providing an emotional context to conversations. Laughter is used as a signal for being part of a group — it signals acceptance and positive interactions with others. Laughter is sometimes seemingly contagious, and the laughter of one person can itself provoke laughter from others as a positive feedback.”

    I love to laugh during social interaction, giving signal to people I deal with that he/she is part of my circle. I signal acceptance and positive interaction through laughter, often time, laughing together with them, even though we may share differing views.

    I detest laughing alone, while the other party is NOT. It achieves exactly the opposite to what I understand about laughter. It is not therapeutic neither would it heal.

    I think you and I share the above views, views from the untrained but common sensical.

    Hahahahahaha…. I hope you get my signal of positive interaction 😉

  21. Joyful,
    In Chinese:

